Monday, April 13, 2009


Büyük Liman
36'41'N, 27'23'E

There are two bays that have a harbour function for the ancient city of Knidos on the Westernmost part of Datca Yanmadasi. Of them, Biiyiik Liman is situated just in the Southeast of Deveboynu Burnu, which is at the end of Datca Yanmadasi. The cape extends in a North-Southeast direction. At the Northern end of the cape, Deveboynu Burnu lighthouse (Fl.(2)5sl5M) can easily be seen from the distance, when approaching from the West and the North. The breakwater remains of the ancient harbour can be seen at the entrance of the harbour in the Southwest. The other breakwater channel in the Northeast remains under the water, but it can still be seen outside as a green-brown mark. It cannot be easily identified in windy weather. At the entrance, the depth of the harbour is suitable, but it is necessary to pass 20 m away from the breakwater remains in the Southwest. With the meltem winds, there maybe swells in the bay.
Anchoring is possible in 5-10 m towards the end of the bay. It may not be a good holding due to the bottom. It offers good shelter from the meltem. Waves can be a problem in .strong winds.
The remains of Knidos ancient city, cm the hills and around the old harbour, are very impressive. In .summer, the bay gets quite crowded with guk-ts and yachts.

The small harbour in the North i,s almost completely surrounded by ruins, so yachts cannot use this bay.
The ancient city of Knidos, situated at the end of Resadiye Yanmadasi, was the most popular settlement area in ancient times. According to the excavations, the history of the city dates back to the 7th century BC. The city was a very important culture and arts center in the Hellenistic period. Eudoksos was the most famous scholar in Knidos during that period. Eudoksos proved that the diameter of the sun is 3 times as big as the earth and 9 times as big as the moon. The sun dial created by this famous scientist is still viewed with great admiration by many visitors today. Besides, Sostratos, the architect of the Pharos, lighthouse of Alexandria, was also from Knidos. Knidos is considered as one of the seven wonders ol the ancient world.

Knidos is known as the holy city of Aphrodite, and it is established both on the main land and on the island in front of it. It was established on different levels. The island was then connected to the land, and two harbours were constructed. The most important remains to be seen in this ancient
city are the two harbours, three theaters, agora, temples, bouleterion, walls, stoa and some churches.
The names of Anthony and Cleopatra have been seen on one of the mosaics found in a church during one of the most recent excavations. The famous naked statue of Aphrodite is also here.
The city was also famous for Its amphora and wine production in ancient times. Several wine jug remains, excavations, can be seen.
...They call these shores Dadya-Bedye and this is the province of Mentese. Dadya-Bedye however is actually livo large villages: the one close to Tekir Burnu is Bedye. Infidel sailors give the name Kavu Kinyu to Tekir Burnu..

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